How to fix the “Restricted ad serving – Google-served ads obscuring content” AdMob issue


You got the “Restricted ad serving” issue from AdMob.
The detailed information is “Google-served ads obscuring content”.
This issue happens to your iOS app.
You need to fix it to remove your ad serving restriction.


1. Upgrade the AdMob SDK (iOS) to the latest version.

2. Review your UI to ensure that there are overlapped contents. If there is one then you may add margins to their frames to separate them.

Example code:

view.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 8, bottom: 8, right: 8)

3. Repeat requesting a review in AdMob Policy center until it is approved. Typically it takes about a week for the restriction to be removed.

Include the below message in the review request.

We have fixed it.